Magic Meal Technique
IT TAKES YOUR BRAIN 20 MINUTES TO GET THE “I AM FULL!” SIGNAL FROM YOUR STOMACH. During this time, receptors inform the brain that your body is receiving nutrients by sending hormone signals. In a 2008 study published in the “Journal of the American Dietetic Association,” 30 healthy women were studied on two separate occasions in which they ate at two different rates. When they consumed their meals slowly, they ate significantly fewer calories and consumed significantly more water than when they ate at a faster rate. Additionally, they were less likely to feel satiated when they ate quickly. THE WAY YOU EAT MAKES A BIG DIFFERENCE. MOST PEOPLE EAT FAST AND THEY DO NOT CHEW THEIR FOOD PROPERLY. AN AVERAGE PERSON MAKES ONLY 3.3 CHEWS BEFORE SWALLOWING. WHEN IT SHOULD BE 20-30 CHEWS WHY? When you do not chew - here are the 3 problems: 1. Your body has to work hard to break down food 2. You are not assimilating nutrients and vitamins from the food properly 3. As a result, your digestion is impaired and you eat beyond fullness CHEWING: 1. Helps you to break down food: proteins, carbohydrates and fats 2. Makes it easier to digest and assimilate nutrients 3. Which means more of it gets used by the body versus being stored as fat HERE IS WHAT TO DO NEXT: During your next meal - do this: -time yourself. How long does it take you to finish your meal from start to finish? (You will be amazed! It is not as long as you think) -on your next meal - add 5 more minutes to your meal -continue doing this until you reach 20 min total -give yourself at least 20 min every time you have a meal MOST COMMON OBJECTIONS MY CLIENTS HAVE ABOUT 20 MIN MEAL: ● “I don’t have time”, you do actually. Give yourself a gift of 20 min meal and your body will thank you! ● “I eat on the move, not at home.” That does not matter. You can still spend 20 min on your meal. ● “Eating slowly is a waste of time.” But how about the long-term damage to your health resulting from eating fast? YOUR NEXT ACTION STEP: If you use this simple technique every time you eat, you bound to eat less. Even if you eat the same food, you will lose weight! If you are tired of feeling tired, stressed, unproductive and overweight -here are the results you could get with my help. Click here to learn more Marina Zats |Health and Optimal Performance Coach |[email protected] | Visit to learn more. Feel-Your- Best Coach, Where weight loss is just the beginning. |